Our marketing services team is comprised of global experts in market research, advertising operations, and the music business. Together, they enable major labels and top music agencies to harness the full potential of artist marketing through data-driven strategy and analytics.
Core Technology
Wavo Services are enabled by our Big Data Platform, which connects and unifies all artist customer data, marketing data, and music data—in one fully integrated solution.
Our Capabilities
We specialize in three key areas of music—recorded music, live events, and merchandise—which make up the core of marketing spend and A&R investments.
Recorded Music
Predict and scale marketing for global marketing campaigns.
Live Events
Maximize marketing spend and ROI for live and virtual events.
Build effective e-commerce campaigns for your rosters.
Our Approach
Artist marketing campaigns are now global, multi-purpose and subject to change in real-time. We work with clients in four core areas to address these issues.
Media Planning
Work with expert analysts and planning software to determine business strategy, marketing budget, goals, and forecasts.
Media Buying
Secure ad inventory, reach key audiences, and adjust campaigns to meet goals—with support from ad operations teams and analytics.
Media Measurement
Get automated campaign takeaways from marketing experts and prepare data for your next campaign.
Streaming Data Ingestion
Unlock additional strategy, technology, and expertise that aligns your marketing campaigns with artist streaming objectives. Learn more →
Spotify Case Study
Wavo CEO & Founder, Conor Clarke, discusses how the landscape of music marketing has changed.
Industry Interviews
Get insights from marketers, CEOs, and thought leaders. See all→
Jesse Coolbroth
Warner Records
Kazy Brown
The Shalizi Group
Cherie Hu
Water & Music